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Spartan Spirit

Athletic Participation Requirements

(A complete athletic standard for communication handbook is available upon request.)


ATHLETIC SECRETARY: Mary Bunker (970)613-7702

  1. Student and parents must complete athletic registration online: Athletic Registration 

  2. Students must provide a current physical.

  3. Pay athletic fees online or send cash/check to athletic secretary.  ALL school athletic fees must be paid, to be cleared to participate in sports.

  4. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of five classes the semester they plan on participating in a sport.

  5. During the period of the participation academic eligibility of students at Berthoud High School will be checked every week. In order to maintain athletic eligibility, you must be passing 5 classes and not be failing more than 1 class. Students who are deemed ineligible for the following week (Sunday to Sunday).

  6. Students who do not pass 5 or more classes during the spring semester can take a comparable class during summer school to regain eligibility for the fall semester.  A withdrawal (W) fail counts as an ‘F’ for the semester. 

  7. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) – The National Collegiate Athletic Association has specific rules and grade point averages for any students who plan on participating interscholastically in college.  Please contact a counselor to find out the necessary information concerning the proper way to go about gaining eligibility when becoming a freshman in college.


Thompson School District Co-Curricular Participation Rules

Prohibited conduct on or off school grounds

Training rules are enforced 365 days a year.

Possession or use of any illegal substance   *   Use of any tobacco product   *   E-Cigarettes/Vape

Theft or Vandalism   *    Hazing or Harassment   *   Possession of weapons   *    Gang Activity

Penalties for Prohibited Conduct: How Training Rules are enforced:

1st offense = suspension from 20% of total games

2nd offense = suspension from 50% of total games

3rd offense = suspension for one calendar year

4th offense = suspension for duration of high school career

Coaches/Students/Law Enforcement report offenses

Athletic Director meets with student/parent

Self-Reporting on first offense can reduce penalty by 10%

(First Offense Only)



Periodic dances are held during the school year. These are for Berthoud High School students.  All out-of-school guests must complete the dance form that is provided by the organizer of that dance prior to the event. All out-of-school guests must be under 21 years of age and not be a middle school student.  There are no exceptions.  Students are only allowed to bring one guest.  Once you have entered a school dance, you will not be permitted to leave and return.  The junior class hosts the prom.  It is for juniors and seniors, and their dates exclusively.