Spartan Code of Conduct
The principal and/or their designee may suspend and/or recommend expulsion of a student who engages in one or more of the following activities while in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles, or during a school-sponsored activity or while off school property.
Complete Discipline Code is available on the Thompson School District website.
1. Causing damage to school or private property
2. Causing physical injury to another person
3. Stealing of school or private property
4. Any violation of district sexual harassment policy
5. Any violation of the district’s drug, alcohol, weapons, no knives of any kind, or tobacco policy including vaping; the Board of Education will not tolerate student possession or use on district grounds.
6. Directing profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures toward other students, school personnel or visitors to the school
7. Engaging in verbal abuse, such as name calling, gender, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements addressed towards others
8. Cheating of any kind, such as on tests, plagiarism, copying homework or attempting to alter grades
9. Behavior on or off school property that is threatening to the welfare or morals of other students including any incident of bullying
10. Repeated or constant negative interference with the school’s ability to provide educational opportunities to other students such as classroom procedures or activities
Campus Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and within the scope of the Discipline Code and the law at all times they are on campus; this includes after-school activities. Please be aware that surveillance cameras exist both inside the building and in several areas of the campus; these recordings may be used to discipline/legally charge a student in the event of an incident and can be used to monitor student behavior at any time in order to maintain a safe and productive environment for all students.
Due Process
Students will be expected to follow the laws of the state and rules of the district. Students at school and students at school-sponsored, off-campus events shall be governed by school district rules and regulations and are subject to the authority of the school district officials. Students suspended or expelled from any high school in the R2-J School District will be denied attendance at any other high school in the district during the period of suspension or expulsion.
Possession or use of any dangerous or deadly weapon in any school building, on school grounds, in any school vehicle or at any school-sponsored activity is prohibited. Any student violating this prohibition shall be subject to mandatory disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion, and may also be subject to criminal or delinquency charges. Dangerous or deadly weapons include but are not limited to:
Firearms, loaded or unloaded, or firearm facsimile that could reasonably be mistaken for an actual firearm.
Pellet or BB guns or other devices, whether operational or not, designed to propel projectiles by spring action or compressed air.
Combustibles e.g. fireworks or any ammunition.
Any device designed to be capable of temporarily immobilizing a person by the infliction of an electrical charge.
Knives – knives include a fixed blade knife with a blade that measures longer than three inches in length or a spring-loaded knife or a pocket knife with a blade longer than three and one-half inches. NO KNIVES OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS AT ANY TIME!
Any other weapon, device, instrument or substance, whether animate or inanimate, used or intended to be used to inflict death or serious bodily injury.
Dress Code
Do not wear or bring anything that advertises gangs, obscene gestures, or sexual innuendo.
Do not wear or bring anything with images or names of any dangerous or deadly weapons.
Do not wear or bring anything that advertises drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
Keep pants pulled up and undergarments should not be exposed.
All attire should provide appropriate coverage for school or a job and should not be a distraction to learning.
Dress with Pride
Inappropriate dress will not be tolerated.
1st Offense: Students may be asked to change their clothes, turn inside out, etc. There is a change of clothes in the office as needed.
2nd Offense: Student’s parents may be contacted, and a disciplinary referral will be written. Appropriate consequences will be assigned.
Lockers/Personal Property
All freshman & sophomores will be assigned a locker at the beginning of the year. Upperclassmen can request to be assigned a locker by speaking with the attendance secretary.
• Periodic inspections could be made by the teachers or principal to see that they are kept neat and orderly.
• Use only the locker assigned to you, and keep it locked at all times.
• Do not give your combination to another person.
• Do not tamper with another locker
• The school does not insure nor accept responsibility for personal property brought to school. It is wise to leave valuables at home; this includes lockers issued for sports or physical fitness classes.
Hallway Manners
Profane or vulgar language gestures towards other students, school personnel, or visitors to the school will not be tolerated. Appropriate action will be taken, which may include suspension or expulsion as stated in the CODE OF CONDUCT.
Clear pathway:
Due to the safety and diverse needs of students, everyone needs to keep clear pathways by staying close to the lockers and the walls.
Hall Passes:
There are classroom passes that can be used for trips to the bathroom, locker, IMC, drinking fountain, etc. These passes are to be used for quick, five-minute trips. Students may also have paper passes from a teacher. The pass might state the date, period, time, destination, and be signed by the teacher responsible for the student. If the student does not have a pass or is causing a hallway disruption, the student could receive disciplinary action, such as being put on a “no-fly” list.
Electronic Devices
BHS wishes to provide each student and teacher a distraction free learning environment every school day. To ensure such a learning environment, BHS will be implementing this Electronic Device Expectations. We as a staff at BHS are committed to these expectations to provide a distraction free learning environment.
Student ID
We are excited to use the Minga app for our student ID’s this year. Student’s will upload the Minga app on their phones and their student ID will be right in the app. There are many exciting features we can use with having the student ID’s online; such as, uploading dance tickets directly to their ID, athletic passes on their ID’s, and student’s will always have their ID’s on them. Minga is a company that partners with Lifetouch photography, which we use to take all our student photographs. Students are expected to show their school student ID every time they enter the building, to get into dances, events, etc. Students that do not have access to a phone can be issued a hard copy ID for $5.00, once requested.
All visitors must register in the main office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Students are not allowed to have guests attend classes during the school day. A student who is wishing to transfer to Berthoud High will be granted a brief, one-time school tour by the Peer Support Counselors and will need to be scheduled through the counseling department prior.
Parking On Campus/Parking Permits
Students need to register their vehicles by completing the form at or by using the QR code located outside the main office or the principal secretary office. Once you have completed the form, they will receive a parking placard to display in their vehicle in case of an emergency.
Any vehicle without a permit or who is parked in violation of other school rules or laws may receive a parking violation from BHS campus security. First offense is a $20.00 fine and fines go up for second and third violations. Payment must be made to the school’s bookkeeping office within 14 days after receiving the violation. Continual violations or a serious violation may result in loss of parking privileges at BHS. Please speak with campus security if you have any questions.
When parking lots are provided on campus, all student driven vehicles shall be parked in such lots. No vehicles may be driven on the school grounds except in designated parking areas.
Students are not allowed to park in the staff parking lot or the visitor parking in front of the school.
Student-driven vehicles shall remain parked while students are scheduled to be in class. No loitering in parked cars or on school parking lots shall be permitted during the school day.
Principals may make reasonable parking and driving regulations as necessary for the proper operation of their school programs.
The privilege of bringing a student-operated motor vehicle onto school grounds is based upon the condition of consent by the student driver to allow a search of the vehicle when there is reasonable suspicion the search will yield evidence of contraband.
Refusal by a student, parent/guardian, or vehicle owner to allow search access to a motor vehicle on school premises when requested shall because for termination without further hearing of the privilege of bringing any vehicle onto school premises by said individual.
Routine patrolling of student parking lots, inspection of the outside of student automobiles, and the use of drug detection dogs in the school district parking lots shall be permitted at all times.
Fifteen miles per hour shall be the maximum while driving on school property.
Parking in an unauthorized manner and/or area may result in the vehicle being towed at the driver’s expense.
Pedestrians and school buses have the right of way on school property.