Attendance Secretary: Lori Major, (970)613-7718
Report absences: Parent/guardian must call the school attendance line (970)613-7790 or call the main line at (970)613-7700 and press 1 & leave a message to report absences early on each day of absence.
Release early: Parent/guardian must call the school attendance secretary (970)613-7718 or call the main line at (970)613-7700, press 1 and then 1 again to be connected to the attendance secretary. A parent/guardian contact must be made before the student leaves school at any time during the school day.
Parents/guardians have the responsibility to notify the school of an absence no later than 2 days (i.e. absent on Monday, notify by Wed. PM). The school has the responsibility to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused. It is not possible for the BHS office to clear unexcused absences that are more than 1 week in the past.
If a student is going to be out of school for 3 days or more, a pre-arranged absence form MUST be filled out and signed by all the student’s teachers, parent/guardian and school Administrator. The signed copy MUST be turned into the Attendance office before the student is gone. This provides the student an opportunity for full credit on assignments and to not fall behind in classes.
After three consecutive days of absences, or with ten accumulated days of absence per semester, the school may require a statement from a medical doctor, a medical paraprofessional, or a school nurse for each additional absence.
Attending a doctor or dental appointment: Ask for a note and the absences will be coded as a medical absence. This type of absence is not counted towards the ten absences allowed.
Students arriving within ten minutes of the start of class will be marked tardy. After the first ten minutes you will be marked absent.
Students that are habitually tardy, will be required to serve lunch detention according to our tardy policy.
Truancy/Unexcused Absence-
Parents will be electronically contacted by phone and/or email when a student is marked with an unexcused absence.
If a student believes they were counted absent incorrectly, the attendance clerk will issue a verification, which needs to be returned within two school days.
Court action may be taken against the parent/guardian and student who fails to attend school as provided by law; after the parent and student have been given written notice by the district, proceedings will be initiated if the student continues to be truant.
TIPS to promote regular attendance
Get restful sleep: early bedtime, read before going to bed, no TV, etc.
Eat a balanced diet: stay healthy, limit sugars, eat vegetables, etc.
Plan ahead: avoid appointments during school, check calendar, etc.
Be on time and prepared: homework, supplies, lunch, etc.
Wash hands often: before you eat, after bathroom break, etc.