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Senior Photos DUE before Halloween


  1. Color highly preferred - but you may submit in black and white for expressive reasons.
  2. Head and shoulders or "waist up" - no full body, please
  3. ONLY vertical (portrait) - no horizontal (landscape)
  4. Please NO animals included - no pets, please


  1. Option #1: Digital format preferred- - JPEG format, NO HEIC (iPhone format)
    -resolution 300 dpi or more
    -Submit original image - No screenshots, no downloads from social media
    -Submit through link above
  2. Option #2 Hard Copy
    -wallet size or 3.5" x 5" snapshots or larger - Please write student's name on the back
    -No home printer print-outs please - only printed professionally or from photo kiosk

Senior quotes are due by Halloween

  • Must be at least 5 words
  • No more than 20 words
  • appropriate and dignified

Senior class photo will be during SPEAR in October

  • Date to be announced in September through email and Senior Class Google Classroom > If you are not there, then you will not be in the photo. 
  • This is a one time photo shoot. Be there!
  • 12-year-club photo will also be taken at that time. This is a group photo of all seniors who have been in Berthoud schools since kindergarten or first grade, a total of 12 years.

Senior superlatives voting is done by Halloween