Road to Registration
Class of 2029
November 1
December 20
Choice Enrollment Round 1
- For in-district students who want to go to a school out of their attendance boundary for the 2025-26 school year.
- Current Turner Middle School students living outside the Berthoud High School attendance boundary must apply for Choice Enrollment if they want to attend Berthoud High School.
November 1
August 13
Open Enrollment
- For out-of-district students
- Out-of-district students will need to reapply each year
- Please reach out to the Central Registration Team at or call (970)613-6877, with any question about this district policy.
November 19
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
BHS Open House and STEM Night
Learn about curriculums, programs, activities, and clubs. Meet Berthoud High School staff and tour the school. All incoming freshmen are welcome, but this event will especially benefit those who:
- Might "Choice/Open Enroll" at Berthoud High School
- Are interested in the STEM program
- Are BHS "Newbies"
December 10
During A, B, & C Blocks at Turner Middle School
Spartan 101
Berthoud High School counselors and Peer Support Counselors' to present information about:
- Activities, clubs, and elective classes
- Graduation requirements and credits
- Q & A with Berthoud High School students
January 31
Choice Enrollment Round 1 Notifications
- Families will be notified via email
- Families must accept spot via Scribbles Family Dashboard within 5 days of being notified
- Open Enrollment Notification date TBD
February 4
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
at BHS
BHS Registration Night
All incoming freshmen who plan to attend BHS for the 2025-26 school year must attend.
Course Selection forms will be distributed and counselors will go over how to complete the form
2025-2026 Freshman Registration Form
9th Grade Registration Slideshow
February 11
During A, B, C Blocks at Turner Middle school
Course Selection Forms Due
- BHS Counselors will be at TMS on February 11th to sit down and pick up and lock in registration requests.
- BHS Counselors will meet with each student for approx. 5 minutes to ensure all steps in the course selection process have been completed.
- If you are not a TMS Student, Scan and email your form to a BHS Counselor (preferred)
- Take your form to Berthoud High School and leave with front office staff
- Mail your form to BHS:
Attn: BHS Counselor
850 Spartan Ave.
Berthoud, CO 80513
Choice Enrollment
Thompson School District has a variety of options available to fit the interests and goals of each student and family. Now is the time to explore our diverse program lineup and choose the school community that is perfect for you!
BHS Counseling
Explore Berthoud High School's counseling services which offer academic resources, mental health support, and college prep guidance for student success.
Registration Forms
Registration Forms will be available after February 1.